What is a Teacher of Nature?

A Teacher of Nature teaches students to follow the Natural Path.

This Natural Path is not easy to understand but basically recognises that we are all part of Nature together and that it is necessary to respect Nature. This is the fundamental platform of the education system of a Teacher of Nature.

The most important principle of Nature to recognise is that of evolution - we evolve through the devlopement of our children from generation to generation. This should be the overriding consideration of any education establishment. Is that the practice? This is discussed in .

But before looking at , let us consider where are the children taught most - in the home.
Does society emphasise the home? Is the home seen as the place for human evolution? Consideration of this has major social implications, and is considered here.

From consideration of this evolution in the home and through the community there are radical implications for the direction of state education leading to Mubaan schools. Mubaan schools requires an overhaul of education buildings and a major change in social thinking. In the interim people might want to follow schools adhering to Nature's Path. Matriellez considers a few ideas concerning the application of Natural understanding to education in general. This led to the idea of Ecosophy Schools. He then develops detailed principles, curriculum and pragmatics if such schools were implemented.
follow the Natural Path. This flowchart allows a simple representation of the ideas connected with this type of school, and the sitemap can jump you to the article you are interested in.

Initially Matirellez had developed work on Study Skills, and that is still a self-contained unit within the site.

And finally to show an understanding of the completeness of the Hijack, Matriellez retains the demonstration of the heavy hand of CIE at the Matriellez Exam Centre. Check here in the Study Skills Teacher's Centre as to why Matriellez put the papers online. Follow the exam centre link and you will see what happened. Checkout the blog entry if you are interested in some details.