Part 4 -
AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL REFLECTION ON ISSUES CONCERNING RACE"British political culture is still coming to terms with the end of empire, the decline of
"great" Britain and the consequences of a long period of Conservative rule which has
sought to destroy collectivism while restructuring the economy around an alliance of
state asset-strippers and the financial classes of the City of London." [Mike
Tomlinson p2]
Initially I was going to consider the issues of anti-racist awareness and anti-racist
maths(see parts 5 & 6) as being the total of my reflections on race, however when I
put forward the skeleton I found this a great restriction. A great deal that was
important to me and that I felt was an integral part of my learning was going to be
ignored because I was not reflecting on my day-to-day experience nor on the history
of the development of my understanding so part 4 starts with this autobiographically
(and anecdotally), and parts 5 and 6 focusses on the specific INSET and
developmental work mentioned above, and then in part 7 I want to focus on one or
two issues concerning race that have arisen during my study.
Brixton Comprehensive was my first school and I took it as my duty as a professional
teacher in a multi-ethnic school such as Brixton Comprehensive to try to understand
the effects of racism on Afro-Caribbean students particularly, as they are the majority,
but also students from every background including, of course, white English-born. As
a teacher do you want the best for your students? I thought so, and I saw that racism
clearly had an impact on the work of black students. Subjectively a teacher judges
the intelligence of students and uses that judgement to exact standards from the
students. In my view there was clear evidence for underachievement - and racism
had to be in part a cause. It has to be noted also that at Brixton Comprehensive there
are still many white English students who consider themselves English born and bred
- with many of the bad attitudes associated with that working-class temperament, not
that racism is particularly a working-class phenomenon.
At the end of my first year at Brixton Comprehensive I had begun work at The
Gresham Supplementary Scheme. The Gresham was a scheme which had grown out
of the practice of Saturday schools in Jamaica in which many Jamaican students
would be interested in doing extra work vis-a-vis the three students from my
registration class I mention below. The Gresham extended this idea to evening
classes each day of the week. But there was more to the Gresham than evening
classes, it was a school established, set up and run by the community and as such it
gave a sense of pride and commitment to the students - and to the community.
Klein[p29] describes "the main aims" of Saturday schools as "motivating children to
succeed in the mainstream and enhancing basic skills while giving the children some
knowledge of their own history and achievements". I am convinced that, because I
was an established worker at Gresham, this influenced my being chosen to
participate with the ILEA team although I did have a reputation for being committed to
this area of work in other ways.
After a number of years I began to become disillusioned with teaching and was
planning to leave the profession. One important factor which decided my final leaving
date concerned my professional relationship with my registration class. At the school
we were encouraged to develop a meaningful pastoral relationship with the students,
and to begin this I started from year 1(now year 7) contacting the parents and inviting
myself round to their homes. Although this sounds extremely rude many parents
welcomed this involvement - others totally ignored it, and through the five years the
students were at Brixton Comprehensive I developed relationships to a certain
degree with the families. In fact this was sometimes negative because I felt that some
of the parents just said "Let Zanetti handle it at school, they cause me enough grief at
home". Anyway as I was getting more disillusioned I wanted to leave but I told myself
I will leave when 5YZ(Y for Yellow house) leave. As time developed many of the
class fell by the wayside, because of disinterest and disruption leading to truancy, but
I developed a good relationship with three girls in the class - Lorraine, Donna and
Shoran. The girls had come from a Jamaican background - typically one of the main
reasons these families come to the UK was to help their children, and because of this
background they were keen to work hard and "get a British education". Often they
would work after school. Lorraine and Donna had Jamaican parents but were born in
the UK, and Shoran was Donna's cousin living with Donna and her mother. Apart
from being in single parent families, to describe these girls as deprived is insulting yet
I think of the Walter Rodney term "underdeveloped", these girls were(are?) not
lacking in anything themselves as people but were actively deprived of many things
by the system. Especially in years 4 and 5(now 10 & 11) I did much extra work with
these three girls after school yet when their results came out they still failed. I had a
good reputation as a teacher amongst the students so I know that they did not blame
their failure on me. Many students in Inner City schools do have low self-esteem and
I feel that all that extra work we did together instead of benefitting them actually
increased the feeling of low esteem - I felt I added to some of their problems. I know
this is an emotional conclusion but despite people telling me the girls will have
benefitted from the extra professional attention overall I have a mixed reaction. This
emotional experience led me to classify these formative years as in part Educating for
Towards the end of my career at Brixton Comprehensive I had begun work at the
attached youth centre. The centre had like many others produced its own magazine
but we tried to get a magazine funded to sell on the streets. This was an excellent
experience to see the intelligence and awareness of these young people and also the
wonderfully encouraging responses from the community towards their youth. Through
this magazine I began to see more of racism outside the school environment but
whilst seeing that I felt extremely positive to the community and its achievements as
exemplified by the contents of the magazine(see Appendix 4A for photocopies of
contents pages). I have no doubt that my year on the magazine was the best
educational year for myself - I know the students as writers learnt a great deal as
But I realise now that working on that magazine was also a turning point for me.
Through the magazine I met many people and began to develop a fuller perspective
on education and its role in society. Some of the development concepts I had picked
up whilst working on anti-racist maths began to match up with views expressed by
many in the community and when I moved to Brighton I became active in
development work with organisations such as Oxfam, World Development
Movement and others. This context of development was clearly a political position, I
now realise, and soon I became active in promoting international work politically
through trade unionism.
When I arrived at Hove Comprehensive in Hove it was as if I had gone back in time.
Although there were many positive aspects to the teachers, in general their position
on Equal Opportunities was weak - a deputy headmaster was prepared to stand up in
full staff meetings and other group arenas and make openly-sexist remarks.
According to many of the teachers racism didn't exist in the school because there
were no black students - very few, mainly Bangladeshi, and no Africans when I first
What I learnt most at Hove Comprehensive in terms of race concerned the staff. In
my previous experience I had been taught about race from the students and the
occasional teacher(usually black). When I came to Hove Comprehensive I learnt about the
myopia of the staff concerning racial problems. Their blindness was encapsulated in
the above view that there were no black people in the school so there was no
problem. There was a small group of Bangladeshi students and, without getting
involved in the discussion here as to whether Bangladeshi are black, what the
teachers did not realise was the state of terror that existed in the Bangladeshi
community. The students were frightened to go home alone, they were timid, truancy
was a problem and, although they had some second language difficulties, they were
en masse under-achievers.
But the greatest learning experience was learning about the racism of the staff, and
that they could not grasp the need to educate against racism because all the
students, especially the middle-class whites many of whose parents worked in the
city, could have an impact on racism in society such as potential leaders, police,
teachers etc.
On first inspection here in Botswana the issue of race is surprisingly lacking but when
I began to examine the situation in depth I realised that many of the facets of racism I
saw in the UK have a counterpart here in Botswana. There is a clear theoretical basis
for this equivalence even though the analysis is political. Is race a consequence of
the class structure or is race a separate development? Lenin's book, Imperialism -
the Highest Stage of Capitalism, sees colonialism, or imperialism, as a consequence
of a capitalist mode of production, and because the colonial power, albeit as a
protectorate, is British attitudes in the UK and Britain have a similar base. Racism
and colonialism are connected as they both disadvantage black people. But this, of
course, could be countered by the cultural argument that race is simply a
development of tribal conflict. And the tribal issues have been around longer!!
Clearly the colonial situation must have affected Botswana to some extent. Here
again I am being vague because even the question of colonialism is not cut and dried
because Botswana, before independence, was the Bechuanaland Protectorate, and
as a Protectorate they did not have the direct involvement of British colonial rule. At
the time the mineral wealth of the country had not been discovered by the British so
there was no need to develop an infrastructure to export the wealth. Botswana
compares its own infrastructure with South Africa and Zimbabwe and wishes there
had been more involvement from the UK because they can see only benefits; hence
we have the current ties such as my contract here.
In the UK there were theories around concerning a microcosmic colonialism existing
in the country. Briefly this theory puts forward the idea that the historically African
communities in the UK are oppressed by the same system, forces and mentality that
used to oppress those in the former colonies. If that is the case then the theoretical
basis for comparison between the effects of racism in the UK and the effects in
Botswana clearly exists.
One example occurred recently in the English exam for the Cambridge Overseas
Certificate. There was much uproar because on the summary question which was
half the marks of the paper the passage was of a situation in the Far East and
included marine descriptions. As a landlocked country in Africa Botswana was not
happy with either situations hence there were many complaints. The Cambridge
certificate requires all students to pass English, and the Certificate is a passport to
many jobs so the fact that this summary was outside their culture was important. The
basis of multicultural education in the UK was to provide cultural familiarity to the
students, this lack of familiarity was clearly seen as a problem for Africans in UK
schools, and was evident, in this case, here in Botswana.
Another example refers to the girls I spoke of above. These girls were asking for
extra help because they were lacking in confidence. Confidence is a big issue (see
discussion concerning Gresham earlier) amongst Afro-Carribean students, and the
problem exists here in Botswana. Here the students are always looking for help to
such an extent that they cause problems when you try to get them to study properly.
They insist on talking to each other getting reinforcement from each other, and if peer
support doesn't exist then they continually search for support from staff. Confidence
is always an issue in an oppressed situation.
One further example concerned the use of language. The use of racist language,
such as nigger and coon, more and more is forbidden by school policies, and the
debate is usually concerning the level of punishment and counselling relevant to the
exhibition of such ignorance rather than whether they should be punished. Before
coming to Botswana we had to sign our contracts with the Botswana Ministry of
Education, and one clause gave the government permission to terminate the contract
and send the person home. I spoke to the government representative, and he said
that the only time someone had been sent home was for the repeated use of racist
language in the classroom!
As an aside to show my background and hence journey, (and also to show a
willingness to be self-critical!), I will describe an incident that occurred when I was at
school. At Sale County Grammar School for Boys in the sixties there was only one
black boy. I only knew him by his name, John Acton-Browne, I did not know him
personally - I was frightened of him because he was big, probably because he was
black as well and always getting in fights. One day I was having lunch and began
making statements like "some of these coons are OK" ie a statement which was
racist but not particularly aggressive apart from that. I was talking with friends but on
this table was a troublemaker, I think his name was Ian Liversedge. He was short!
Anyway he told me off. In my mind I wasn't being aggressive so I continued with my
use of the term "coon" - I know, I was not very mature or sensible at that age; have I
changed? I basically ignored him and I left the dining hall and went to the playing
field. He had followed me and started pushing me. I told him I was not looking for a
fight, and walked away. Eventually he kept going at me and in the end I hit him. A
teacher arrived and separated us. I remember telling the teacher that I didn't want to
fight, that this troublemaker was trying to start something, and that he was using the
words I used as an excuse. This other boy was taken away as he was more angry
and I have no idea what happened to him. The teacher let me go about my business -
playing football, and that was it! I remember saying to a black friend of mine a few
years ago how there was only one black boy in my school and he was always
fighting, and that was the first time I had realised how horrific a racist cauldron my
grammar school must have been. This incident must have occurred in 1966, the
teacher, who settled the fight, was new and yet there appeared not to be any
consideration of counselling for my racism.
As a further aside my father refers to black people as coons in the house but again
not aggressively yet he knows how long I have worked with black people as well as
living with a black woman for a few years. He uses the term coon as if it is a socially
acceptable description of black people, much as I did in the above incident that led to
the fight. At least now there's one advantage to being in Botswana, my mother does
not keep pressing me about getting married and having grandchildren!!
As a final aside I don't think what I've described as occurring in my family is
particularly unusual because the problem of these accepted racist attitudes is so
deep-rooted. Would you say I was a dutiful son if I didn't speak to my parents
because they were racists, if I had left the house last Christmas when I was back in
the UK because he had used the word coon? As it was living with a black woman has
left a deep scar in our family!
References to Part 4
Klein G "Education Towards Race Equality" Cassell 1993. ISBN
Rodney W "How Europe Underdeveloped Africa" Bogle-L'Ouverture
1972 ISBN 09501546 4 4
Tomlinson M Paper "Can Britain leave Ireland? The Political Economy
of War and Peace" in Race and Class Vol 37 # 1 1995
Institute of Race Relations. ISSN 0306 3968.
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